Next was the bicycle film festival.

I didn't get to go, but there were alot of pretty cool movies from what I hear. I really wanted to see the Lucas Brunelle.
My favorite Lucas video is the drag race in NYC.
It originally didn't have the Broken Social Scene song bandwitch, but I think it fits better with the video....maybe it is just me.
Anyways, I did however get to race in an alleycat before I had to go to work. Ben put the race on, he usually does the fall alleycat. Last year when he put it on I got 5th. This year I got 5th in the race again. I think that he should just give me the prize for 5th anytime I enter one of his races. So first was Danny (bike messenger on a geared bike) second was John Trujillo (bike messenger single speed) third was Lurch (bike delivery geared bike) fourth was a kid named Andrew (I think) he was on a fixed, and then there was me. I rode my steamroller, which is set up fixed. I was happy getting 5th, because I also basically got second as far as fixed.
There is also going to be a crack down on cyclist who don't follow all traffic laws. I am fine with them doing this, but at the same time, I think that they should crack down on people in their cars who hit cyclist. I mean there are some people who intentionally try and hit cyclist, because "they" the cyclist are in the way. There in my mind is a huge "Us vs Them" mentality here in Austin. Cyclist are fed up with the way cars drive, and car drivers are just fed up with cyclist. You can look at any news story that involves cyclist and read the comments about how angry drivers are. It crosses the line when they follow through on their anger.
To piggy back on the "Us vs Them" I don't think this helps. I know that it looks fun, but this in my opinion is not helping the situation.
A Leisurely Friday Afternoon Cruise in Austin, Texas c/o Critical Mass from Jason ATXBS on Vimeo.
Jason and I are friends, and he even said that he didn't want to do it again, but it seems that comment was removed from his site ;)
We also had the tighty whitey pub crawl that is organized by Jessica.

That was one of my favorite Midnight Ridazz rides. The next ride is the Safety is Sexy ride.

Which kind of brings me to my next part. I think as a cyclist you need to be aware of everything that is going on around you., but not only that, you should protect yourself and make yourself as visible as possible to cars. I have lights and wear a helmet. Sometimes I am caught without it on, but 95% of the time I am wearing it.
Christoper Davis was hit on Sunday the 28th. He died on the way to the hospital. From my understanding it was very early in the morning and the driver was on their way to work, and Chris on his way home from work. The driver hit Chris and stopped. That seems to be a rare thing here in Austin, because not all the drivers stop. It seems like 9 times out of 10, they don't stop. Those are not specific facts, just my guess. God speed Chris and ride in peace.My friend Allie is putting on a benefit for Chris on October 12th at the Alamo drafthouse downtown. Please come by and give your condolences and support to a fellow cyclist who died just trying to get home. I will be going to this.
I promise guys I will try and keep the blog more up to date from now one. I know that there are some of you who check on it daily and there is nothing new. Bare with me :)
Now to give you a friendly reminder

I know it is shameless promotion for this race, but I want people to come out and have a great time and eat free food and drink free beer!!!!! Just don't forget to bring a digital camera or have one in your phone!!
til next time
Not Joe Diamico. I'm a different Joe D. bad. Have we met?
safety is sexy
Don't think so. I live up north, so don't get to too many of the rides.
You're thinking Rob D'Amico, president of the LOBV, not Joe D (who took the pics). Joe D's on your side as far as the highway ride is concerned, but that was a conversation for a different forum.
Hell with you all, that ride was awesome. :)
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