Some of you may know....some may not....but it is happening again, the 11th annual STUPOR BOWL!!!!!!!

This is straight from their myspace,
Once again, the Minneapolis Bicycle Messengers are at it again, organizing the 11th Annual Stupor Bowl alleycat to be held in our fair city on the 1st and 2nd of February, 2008. Last year, depite the starting temprature -2 F, over 300 people braved the cold to race in what has turned into one of North America's biggest and longest running alleycat races.
Sponsored by: Seagull Bags, Freight Bags, Under the Weather, One on One, Swobo, Behind Bars, Crank Bros, Jonny Cycles, Twin Six, Cars R Coffins, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and more!
THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE SUCKS: http://www.stuporbowlmpls.com all info will be listed here too.
email: stuporbowl11@gmail.com if you are coming from out of town and need accomodations!
Friday Feb 1st-- welcome to town! 5pm-8pm Pre-REGISTRATION and Texas Twins @ Cars R Coffins 3346 Lyndale Ave
9pm meet at Grumpy's DT 1111 Washington AVE S for 1st annual Stuporbowlopoly: "Cash is King" Monopoly-Style Alleycat Race
1 1/2 race time from start. rules when you register (6 stops, DWNTWN MPLS, CA$H MONEY PAYOUT) - post race, dwntwn bar party.
Saturday Feb 2nd- 10am-1:00pm Registration @ One on One, 117 Washington Ave N 2:00pm Stupor Bowl XI, start your engines. post-race-- track stand comp, skidzzzz, awards, and, big time, for real stupor bowl XI sized party, location and beer SECURED. it is going to be awesome. y'all gonna have to race to find out, though. be prepared.
I really wish I was going to be riding again by this, I swear to God, nothing is going to keep me away from it next year. I have a friend up there so I can crash at his place and fucking race. Man, fuck having a broken leg!!!
til next time
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